Responsible for the content of the website:
Gilgen Logistics AG
Head Office Switzerland, Wangentalstrasse 252, CH-3173 Oberwangen
Phone-no.: +41 31 985 35 35
VAT-no.: CHE-106.094.454 MWST
VAT-Identification no.: DE 185 214 105
Commercial register no.: CH-106.094.454
Gilgen Logistics GmbH
Branch Office Germany, Hauert 20, D-44227 Dortmund
Phone no.+49 231 5880 5340
TVA-no. (DE): 017/4452
VAT-Identification no.: DE 812 297 037
CEO of the Gilgen Logistics AG: Mr. Daniel Gilgen
Data protection officer of Gilgen Logistics AG: Mr. Thomas Herren
Data protection representative in the EU: Mr.Werner Alberding
Vinner Strasse 166, D-33729 Bielefeld (Altenhagen)