Gilgen Logistics is intensifying its commitment to sustainability. Our sustainability concept aims to organise internal processes, efficiency and the use of our products and services in a sustainable manner. These efforts reduce the consumption of resources and increase profitability. At the same time, we fulfil our social responsibility towards our employees and are committed to respectful and non-discriminatory treatment. We have been awarded the bronze medal by EcoVadis for our activities to date along this path.

At Gilgen Logistics, we are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and society. Accordingly, in addition to economic issues, ecological and social aspects are also important to us in our business activities. Our actions and activities are responsibly orientated towards social and ecological criteria as well as the long term. To this end, we have developed a sustainability concept with a comprehensive catalogue of activities and anchored the topic in our corporate values.
Thomas Herren, CFO & Responsible for sustainability at Gilgen Logistics
Our sustainability concept covers three main areas: Products & Services,People & Wellbeing and Climate Change & Resource Consumption. Through our activities in these areas, we contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are also anchored in Switzerland's 2030 sustainability policy. In particular, we can make relevant contributions to six of the seventeen UN goals. In addition, fair, non-discriminatory and respectful treatment of all our stakeholders (SDG 16) is a matter of course for us.
This approach ensures the creation of sustainable value for our customers, our employees, our business partners and society as a whole.
For each main area of our sustainability concept, we have established long-term objectives, which are supported and measured by quantitative targets until 2028.
Products & Services
The consideration of an overall system solution, combined with our expertise, enables sustainable logistics concepts. With our systems and services, we help our customers to convey, store and pick efficiently and in a resource-saving manner. The optimisation, durability and energy efficiency of our systems enable our customers to operate sustainably and contribute to an efficient circular economy, particularly with our system solutions in the area of returns logistics.
Targets until 2028
Increasing the energy efficiency of our product portfolio through new developments in various areas:
- Energy savings of 10% in system operations for unit load and container conveyor technology compared to previous systems.
- Energy savings of 5% in system operations for lifts, transfer cars, and stacker cranes compared to previous systems.
People & well-being
We are convinced that entrepreneurial success is only possible with motivated and competent employees. We therefore want to offer our employees an attractive and safe working environment that is characterised by development opportunities, appreciation, equal rights and freedom from discrimination. As an employer, we fulfil our social responsibility and aim to avoid accidents, prevent damage to health and ensure that occupational health and safety is implemented in accordance with the law at all times.
Targets until 2028
Health and Safety:
- Reduction of absenteeism by a total of 15%
- Reduction of absenteeism due to illness by 5%
Employee Engagement: At least 80% of employees rate Gilgen Logistics as an attractive employer in the employee survey.
The turnover rate due to voluntary departures is below 5%.
Climate change and resource consumption
We influence the climate and contribute to the global consumption of resources through our products and services and indirectly through our upstream supply chains. We endeavour to use resources efficiently and sustainably in all areas of our business activities. In particular, we want to maximise the potential for increasing efficiency in energy consumption and thus conserve resources. We also want to reduce our direct and indirect CO2 emissions and thus make our contribution to combating global warming.
Targets until 2028
Sustainable reduction of CO2 emissions by a total of 30%.
- Increase the share of electric vehicles in the pool fleet by at least 10% by 2025 and at least 30% by 2028.
- With the expansion of the site: Conversion of heat production to an environmentally friendly technology, thereby reducing our total CO2 emissions by around 25%.
Electricity consumption: At least 80% from renewable sources across all locations.
Energy consumption: Reduction of total energy consumption by at least 20%.
Supply chain: At least 80% of procurement volume from suppliers committed to our Code of Conduct or their own code.
In addition to our own working environment, international supply chains are also relevant for us in terms of our ethical principles. We therefore base our collaboration with our suppliers on corresponding guidelines. In this way, we aim to promote sustainability aspects, reduce risks in the supply chain and demonstrate our overall responsible business behaviour to our customers.

Awarded the EcoVadis bronze medal
To make our endeavours and progress in the area of sustainability measurable, we use EcoVadis - one of the world's leading providers of sustainability ratings. In a comprehensive process, EcoVadis evaluates the commitment of companies in the areas of environment, ethics, labour and human rights as well as sustainable procurement.
We are currently rated with the bronze award. This puts Gilgen Logistics in the top 35% of rated companies in the industry.
Committed to a sustainable future
Through our holistic sustainability concept, we are determined to make a positive contribution to the environment and society while continuing to develop successfully as a company. We will regularly report on our progress in future. Together with our stakeholders, we are shaping a sustainable future.